Logo Animation Examples
Logos are an important part of your brand’s recognition. Cardrews Media has worked with a range of different businesses to create bespoke, professional and unique logos to help showcase businesses in all sectors.
Girls Network
Cardrews Media was approached by the Girl’s Network to showcase their event. The end product is used online to promote future events.
Sheering Sheep
As part of a larger project on a Welsh village through the ages, we worked with the council of Llansanan to showcase the sheering of sheep from a local farmer.
OFTECH Offshore Video
OFTECH wind is an offshore wind turbine maintenance company. We were employed to help put together a simple company profile video as part of their expansion.
St KentigernsTimelapse
As part of St Kentigern’s growth, we were employed to produce a time-lapse video of the construction of the new care centre, filming took place over the course of 8 months.
Physio – Joy Testimonial
We worked with the Peak Physiotherapy to create some testimonial videos for the company. Testimonial videos are a powerful way to highlight the excellent work you do.
Share Video
Share started as idea in a kitchen and within 6 months grew to be one of Chester’s biggest charities. Cardrews Media was asked to help put together a video showcasing their growth as a marketing tool to help showcase the terrific work they do.
FSB Golf day
Produced for the Federation of Small Business, this video showcases the annual charity golf day at Prior Hayes Golf Course near Chester.
Glan Clyd Patient Information Video
Working in partnership with the Glan Clwyd Radiotherapy Department, alongside the cancer charity Tenovus, this video is designed to give people an idea of what the process will be when having cancer treatment and put patients’ minds at ease.
FSB @ Denbighshire Council Dinner
Produced for Denbighshire Council, in partnership with the FSB, this videoshowcases a local networking dinner between business owners.We were approached by the FSB to create a marketing video to be used to promote future events.